Waste hauling service rates increase May 1

The village's renewal contract with WM goes into effect May 1, and residents will see a rate increase for their garbage and recycling services for the first time in three years. While no one likes an increase, the fee adjustment keeps BG's rates below our comparable communities with the high quality of service we've come to expect. WM has been a long-term partner, hauling BG's waste for over 30 years. Rate increases are standard in contracts given inflation and the rising cost of doing business. The village was able to negotiate the addition of food scrap composting to the service mix, tackling one more piece of the garbage pile and strengthening BG's commitment to sustainability. 

The average rate increase this year is $0.91 (for a single-family detached home with no separate landscape waste cart or second weekly pickup). Similar increases will also occur the second and third year of this contract. This average is for garbage, recycling, At Your Door special collections (household hazardous waste, electronics) and mixed organics (co-mingled food scraps and yard waste) collection. Learn more at vbg.org/waste.